Faselis utilizes an advanced editor to ensure that the content you prepare in the text editing fields appears the same over all platforms. Moreover, certain features have been removed in the editor in order to ensure a more standard appearance.

Faselis Press Release/Invitation utilizes only Arial as the text font in the Press Release/Invitation fields.

You can find below what the functions of the icons found on the top of the editor are:

“Undo”; allows you to cancel the last action.

“Redo” reruns the cancelled action.

changes the selected text field’s size. 4 different sizes are available: “Normal Text”, “Header 2”, “Header 3” and “Header 4.”

allows you to switch to the mode which displays the editor content in HTML coding.

marks the selected text field as Bold.

marks the selected text field as Italic.

marks the selected text field as Underlined.

allows you to insert an internet link or remove an existing link.

places a horizontal link between the texts.

allows you to add an image within the text.


You can click on the  icon to choose the image you wish to upload within the text. Once the image has been uploaded to the visual editor, you can grab it from its corner and arrange its size. You can open up the visual editing screen by selecting the “Edit” text that appears once you have clicked on the image.

If you select “Left” from the “Position” row found on the bottom of the screen, it will place the image on the left of the visual editor and text will flow on the right of the image. If you select “Right”, then the image will be placed on the right and the text will flow on the left of the image. If you wish, you can write the name of the image in the “Title” field. You can enter the website address you want opened when the image is clicked in the “Link” section. You can save your selections with the “Save” button.

aligns the selected paragraph to the “left.”

aligns the selected paragraph to the “center.”

aligns the selected paragraph to the “right.”

changes the text color of the selected text.

changes the background color of the selected text.